This link is to the Veil of Innocence website. A site dedicated to Purity, Chastity
and holy Innocence as intended by God. VEIL OF INNOCENCE Homepage |
A very fine and truly orthodox Catholic Newspaper, The Wanderer is one of the best
for the informed Catholic. THE WANDERER Homepage |
Catholics who seek a restored Christendom will find of value this link, which
contains some fine articles and information assisting Catholic laity to understand
their proper role in Church and Society. The work of the great English Dominican
theologian Fr. Adrian Nichols, O.P., deserves to be better known among
English-speaking Catholics. CHRISTENDOM AWAKE Homepage |
"The Crossroads Initiative" founded by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, offers catechetical and
apologetics resources for RCIA, adult and teens faith formation, with a special
emphasis on the Early Church Fathers, the sacrament of Confirmation, the Theology of
the Body, Catholic Bible Study, and the year of the Eucharist. THE CROSSROADS INITIATIVE Homepage |
When James Likoudis was in London (July 2005), he was able to visit the cloistered
Benedictine nuns of Tyburn Convent which also constitutes a Shrine of the British
Martyrs who gave their lives for the Catholic Faith during the persecutions of Henry
VIII and Elizabeth I and later Protestant monarchs. We are pleased to add this Link
to our Website to encourage our readers to acquaint themselves with this wonderful
monastic community, and to add their own fervent prayers, invoking the intercession
of the British Martyrs for England to be restored to the Catholic Faith and to once
again be the "Dowry of Mary". TYBURN CONVENT Homepage |