The Spread Of Homosexuality In Society

It is simply incredible what has come to pass in American society. A recent decision of the New Jersey Supreme Court on August 4, 1999 ordering the Boy Scouts of America to allow homosexuals into leadership and other positions within the organization is simply another example of the corruption in the U.S. Judiciary (as if Roe vs. Wade permitting the mass slaughter of the unborn did not already demonstrate such corruption!). Moral relativism has spread everywhere in the West and influenced by such an aberrant ethic, the American judiciary has been active in institutionalizing contraception, abortion, sterilization, pornography, and "gay and lesbian rights" for many years.

The power of the homosexual network operating in government, the academy, the courts and the media to sanction homosexual practice as "normal" and part of the American way of life (and with special legal protections) threatens not only what Americans have traditionally understood marriage and family life to be, but also in the recent words of Pope John Paul II criticizing "same sex marriages", and the spread of homosexuality which has the "capacity to destroy society".

The failure of the Catholic Church in North America to deal adequately with its own dissenter moral theologians and with priests and religious who proved to be apologists for "gays and lesbians" and helped form groups such as "Dignity" and the National Association for Catholic lesbian and Gay Ministries (now active in 50 dioceses) has created widespread tolerance for homosexuality as an "alternative life-style". It has been also a major factor in weakening the opposition of Catholics and other Christians to legislation on the federal and state level seeking to normalize homosexuality in American culture and to remove all moral opposition to it as "discriminatory". That such figures as Fr. Robert Nugent and Sr. Jeanine Grammick should have been allowed for almost 20 years to carry on their scandalous "New Ways Ministry" (with the support of many bishops) and even to influence the disastrous pastoral "Always Our Children" resulting in some serious corrections by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the CDF also recently called for the "silencing" of Nugent and Grammick themselves) reveals much concerning the inroads the homosexual network has made within the Church.

The pedophile and other sexual scandals that have brought such bad publicity to the Church in the last few years are but further testimony to the false "sex education" that has been given in seminaries, schools, workshops and seminars by such luminaries as Fr. Charles E. Curran, Fr. Richard McCormick, ex-Jesuit John M. McNeil, Fr. Michael Crosby and others seeking a "revision" of Catholic moral teaching and "a pastoral" alternative to the "patriarchal" idea of "heterosexual marital relations as normative". Our readers will recall that Frs. Curran, McCormick, and Crosby have visited the Buffalo diocese and have not been without influence and supporters in the Buffalo diocese.

In the diocese of Rochester, Bishop Matthew Clark has sponsored a conference of the National Association of Diocesan Gay and lesbian Ministries (NACDLGM) which caused revulsion among local Catholics and nation-wide publicity. Rochester is known as a "gay-friendly" city with large corporations giving homosexuals "spousal benefits", with the diocese itself permitting Catholic priests for 20 years to celebrate Masses for active homosexuals. This was recently stopped, apparently by order of the Vatican, but Rochester Catholics are still reeling from the sacrilegious Communions at Sacred Heart Cathedral during the September 1998 NACDLGM conference. There can still be heard outrage that Bishop Clark ordained to the diaconate a family court judge who in an important decision allowed lesbians to adopt children. In California things appear even worse. According to a writer in the New Oxford Review, Laurette Elsbetty:

"Here in northern California — the East Bay and the Sacramento area — special Masses and services for homosexuals (always referred to as "gays and lesbians") abound. Virtually all of them are in tune with the Call to Action mentality of tolerance, total acceptance, and 'sharing the bread and wine'... Scores of 'gays and lesbians' attend what are known as 'gay-friendly' Masses. They usually sit in the same section, and virtually all receive Holy Communion under both species (including those who are 'partnered', and with their adopted or alternatively conceived children..... Active sodomites and lesbians proudly receive Our Lord as their right, and shamelessly march up the aisle for everyone to see."

The consequences of unworthy reception of the Eucharist are not a favorite subject of homilies in the diocese of Rochester or indeed of other American dioceses (See 1 Cor. 11:19-21). Nor will the media publicize the perversions that homosexuals do that are dangerous and destructive of their physical well-being. Nor will our media publicize sodomy as a cause of AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases nor the truth concerning homosexuals' recruitment of children. In the words of John McKellar, a homosexual who, however, has become a tireless foe of the "gay agenda":

"The gay community sees it as necessary to get the children when they are young to make gay positive recruits, even if they don't necessarily become gay themselves. This is why they want homosexuality and all its perversions taught to the children at the earliest possible age."
(The Interim, August 1999)

The official teaching of the Catholic Church regarding sodomy as a sin that cries to heaven for justice is clear. (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1867; 2357-2359). The dissenters in the Church who defy Catholic teaching in the name of "compassion" and "pastoral care" only further immorality in both Church and society. In St. Paul's words, they are "false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light."(2 Cor.11:13-15)


About Dr. James Likoudis
James Likoudis is an expert in Catholic apologetics. He is the author of several books dealing with Catholic-Eastern Orthodox relations, including his most recent "The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church." He has written many articles published by various religious papers and magazines.
He can be reached at:, or visit  Dr. James Likoudis' Homepage