Letter to the Buffalo News on F. Kissling

Following is a letter from Dr. James Likoudis, president emeritus of Catholics United for the Faith, writing to the Buffalo News exposing the duplicity of "catholic" dissenters and anti-Catholic stance of main stream Media.


September 11, 1996

Letter to the Editor
Buffalo News
One News Plaza
Buffalo, N.Y. 14240

Dear Sir:

"Truth in labelling" appears to suffer a shameful death when it comes to stories about dissenters active in the Catholic Church. The News recently gave front-page prominence to this fatality.

It carried the Reuters column on the Vatican's opposition to the anti-family culture of death being promoted by radical groups at the U.N.'s Conference on Women at Beijing.

Frances Kissling, president of Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC), blasted the Vatican intervention. Quoting the CFFC as a reputable and authoritative source of Catholic teaching is like quoting a hypothetical "Communists for Free Choice" (CFFC) – a stupid contradiction in terms.

Kisslings's CFFC is no more Catholic than the Man in the Moon (MIM). Here are the facts:

  1. CFFC shares an address and funding sources with the National Abortion Federation.
  2. Kissling was director of one of the first legal abortion clinics in New York City and operated illegal abortuaries in Mexico and Rome.
  3. From CFFC's own statistics alleging a 1983 membership of 5,000 and actual contributions ($221,900), the periodical CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT demonstrated that CFFC actually had less than 450 members or .00076 percent of America's 60 million Catholics.
  4. This same periodical (January 1994) proceeded to document a rare moment of truth in Kissling's chronic duplicity. When she joined CFFC, Kissling stated that she no longer considered herself a Catholic.

It is astonishing that some Media should continue to quote CFFC as a reliable source for anything Catholic.

Respectfully yours,
—  James Likoudis
President Emeritus
Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)

About Dr. James Likoudis
James Likoudis is an expert in Catholic apologetics. He is the author of several books dealing with Catholic-Eastern Orthodox relations, including his most recent "The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church." He has written many articles published by various religious papers and magazines.
He can be reached at:  jameslikoudis1@gmail.com, or visit  Dr. James Likoudis' Homepage