Dr. James Likoudis
Mrs. Ruth Likoudis, beloved wife of Dr. James Likoudis
Dr. James Likoudis displays his honorary Degree in Doctorate of Divinity
Newlywed Mrs. & Mr. Ruth and James Likoudis
Dr. & Mrs. James Likoudis
Mr. & Mrs. James Likoudis meet with St. John-Paul II
Mr. & Mrs. James Likoudis meet with St. Mother Theresa
Mr. & Mrs. James Likoudis
The Likoudis at the CREDO of Buffalo, chapter of CUF dinner in the late 70'
Dr. James Likoudis receiving the St. F. Ozanam award for Catholic Social Action from the SCSS
Dr. & Mrs. James Likoudis with some family members
The Likoudis celebrate their 70th Anniversary
The Likoudis receive a Blessing on their 70th Anniversary
A recent photo of Mrs. & Dr. James Likoudis