The Sexual Revolution,
Sex Education and Priest-Paedophilia

Pope John Paul II (now Saint) speaks on priestly paedophilia in the USA
"So Much Pain, So Much Sorrow."

It has been a painful spectacle to witness the reports of paedophilia by priests and other sexual abuses committed by clergy as recounted 'ad nauseam' in newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio programs (with the Catholic Church becoming the butt of mockery and vicious criticisms including attacks on the Church's discipline of celibacy). All this has occurred with media pundits joining in demands for the Church to change its doctrine on contraception, abortion and sodomy, and to conform to a "more enlightened" sexual ethics for modern man.

Bishop John Kinney charged by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops to deal with the problems resulting from clerical scandals, has noted how severely the Church has been troubled, and has lamented people's loss of trust in the Church. Reacting to the sensationalist publicity surrounding the matter, Pope John Paul II has repeated the words of Christ, "Woe to the world because of scandals", observing "how the sins of clerics have shocked the sensibilities of many and become an occasion of sin for others" (Letter to U.S. Bishops, 7/11/93).

There is unavoidable irony in any assessment of the ravages perpetrated by today's permissive society. For 30 years were we not told by the sexologists of the Therapeutic State and their sex education minions in the schools that sex education was the antidote for sexual misbehavior in society and the guarantor of happy marriage and family life? Have not the sex educators, so busy in the Church with their workshops, seminars, conferences and programs for priests and religious, assured all and sundry that only wholesome attitudes on human sexuality would result?
— Never mind, of course, the years of protest of laity in regards to the dissenting theologians and catechists teaching such workshops, seminars, and programs, and being "wined and dined" on the human sexuality circuit while subverting "Humanae Vitae" and revising Catholic sexual morality to conform to the "spirit of the world".
— Never mind the "Classroom Sex Instruction" programs with their graphic, explicit and erotic information introduced into Catholic schools.
— Never mind the anguish of Catholic parents objecting to their schools promoting Situation Ethics, Values Clarification, Fundamental Option, and other variations of "moral decision-making" malforming the consciences of Catholic youth and deadening the sense of sin.
— Never mind the naturalistic sexology focusing on genital acts which disgraced such programs as "Becoming a Person", Benziger's Family Life", "Reverence for Life and Family", Wm.C. Brown's "NEW CREATION PROGRAM", Franciscan Communications's "ln the lmage of God" program, and the "Valuing Values" sex education program of Fr. John Forliti.

All these human sexuality programs introduced into Catholic schools (and fostering the moral corruption of those exposed to them) received the plaudits of liberal priests, religious, laity (even Bishops) who could not help be influenced by an accompanying "theological view of sexuality" discontinuous with Catholic Tradition. Many Catholic educators revealed themselves oblivious to the growing complaint of parents that offensive sex education programs in their schools constituted a specific form of child abuse and child molestation! With the spirit of impurity unleashed in the once-hallowed classrooms of Catholic schools by the followers of dissenting moral theologians and the catechetical devotees of Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and SIECUS' Mary Calderone and Lester Kirkendall, it was to be expected that millions of Catholics would adopt permissive attitudes regarding masturbation, fornication, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, and pornography.

Awash in a secular sea of moral permissiveness abetted by too many of its own theologians, seminary professors, catechists, journalists, and "professional" sex educators, it is not surprising that the Church in North America should be afflicted with the scandal of homosexuality and paedophilia among priests vulnerable to the misunderstanding of sexuality common to dissenters. Moreover, a dangerous androgynous view of human sexuality has been tragically spread by the promoters of 'Classroom Sex Instruction' in Catholic schools. Such instruction has been a particularly effective vehicle for modernity's assault on the Church's sexual morality. The sex educators in the Church have been secularism's allies in the effort to foster a contraceptive-abortion population control mentality on the nation's youth. Their sickening non-judgmentalism regarding the immorality of "gays and lesbians", has contributed to the spread of paedophilia in our day.

Who have been those spreading the false teaching on sexuality?
Who have been the dissenters subverting the Church's teaching on sex and morality?
Who have been placing children and adolescents in occasions of sin?
Who have been the "professional" sex educators helping to destroy parental rights in education and imposing upon Catholic children sex education programs in totalitarian fashion?

Some are, clearly, well-known dissenter theologians; others are popular religious educators and catechetical writers; others are professional sex educators who care nothing for personal and family privacy or for the virtues of modesty and chastity; still others are joumalists active in a sycophantic Catholic Press that has oozed sympathy for the radical innovation of Classroom Sex Education which, long ago, was decried by an H. L. Mencken as "sexual hygiene quackery".

Some have left the priesthood or religious life, or have died. But the damage they have all caused the Church and family life is immense. Others still remain at the same old stand with the same old jaded rhetoric about the need to combat "ignorance" about sex! Perhaps some of the following have shown up lately in your diocese. Perhaps their books, texts, articles, and workshops have directly influenced the sex education and catechesis being provided by your diocesan schools and parishes:

[N.B. The following list (of formal and informal sex educators) is hardly exhaustive; more names could easily be added to each category]

The authors of the notorious "Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought" commissioned by the Catholic Theological Society of America, 1977
Rev. Anthony Kosnik,
Agnes Mary Cunningham,
Rev. Ronald Modras,
James Schulte.
and William Carroll
Well known educators dissenting from Catholic Moral Teachings
Rev. Charles Curran
Rev. Gregory Baum
Rev. John Dedek
John L. Thomas, S.J.
Rev. Dennis J. Doherty
Richard A. McCormick, S J.
Lisa Sowla Cahill, former chair of the CTSA
Rev. Timothy E. O'Connell
Rev. Robert M. Friday
Rev. Matthew Fox
Cornelius Van Der Poel C.S.Sp.
Priests who headed the USCC-NCCB Family Life Division:
Rev. James T. McHugh,
Rev. Donald Conroy,
Rev. Thomas Lynch.
Buffalo, NY Sex Educators:
Ellen Christensen,
Diana Palumbo,
Sr. Mary Angela Morano,
Sr. Helen Louise Simeca, F.M.D.C.,
Eileen T. Courtade
Rochester, NY Sex Educators:
Dr. Gerald Guerinot,
Msgr. William Shannon,
John McLaughlin, S.J. (of "The McLaughlin Group")
Canadians Sex Educators:
Rev. Andre Guindon, and Rev. Rev. Michael Prieur
Assorted list of formal or informal sex educators dissenting
from Catholic Moral Teachings and Doctrine
Rev. Walter lmbiorski
Dr. Daniel Dolesh
Drs. James and Marie Fox
Valerie Vance Dillon
Dr. David Thomas
Urban Steinmetz
Richard Reichert
Thomas Zanzig
James Di Giacomo, S.J.
Edward Stevens, S J.
Bro. Hugo Hurst
Michele McCarty
Ronald J. Wilkins
Marc Oraison
Rev. Gerald Sloyan
Daniel and Sidney Callahan
John and Mary Perkins Ryan
Joseph and Lois Bird
Jose de Vinck
Mary Tan and Lawrence J. Losoncy
Rev. Joseph Champlin
Rev. William J. Bausch
Ronald A. Sarno, S.J.
Nicholas Lohkamp, O.F.M.
Rev. Joseph "Joshua" Girzone
Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Wilke
Anthony Padovano, leader of Corpus
Rev. Paul Shanley
Rev. Frank McNulty
Rev. John McCall
Rev. Robert Nugent (of DIGNITY)
Sr. Jeannine Grammick, (of DIGNITY)
Rev. John Forliti (with 5 sex ed. programs!)
Rev. Richard Sparks, C.S.P.
Nancy Hennessey Cooney
Raejean Kantor
Mary Reed Newland
Sr. Lynn Levo, C.S.J.;
Margaret Farley, RSM
Sr. Mariella Frye
Sr. Mary Ann Walsh
Patricia Miller
Galveston-Houston's DRE Dorris Desroche
∗∗∗ Rev. Kenneth Untener (now Bishop), while Rector of St. John's Seminary, Plymouth, MI, had seminarians view pornographic films which were part of the Sexual Attitude Restructuring Program (SAR)
∗∗∗ Rev. Michael Crosby, author of "The Dysfunctional Church" and Rev. James Sullivan (Brooklyn) (both Crosby and Sullivan spoke to Priests' Retreats in Buffalo, N.Y., sanctioning immoral acts between priests).
∗∗∗ Carlow College's Dr. William Uricchio and nurse Meredith Cochran who ran College workshops showing films on "love-making between caring men".


Future Church historians will have a field day in documenting the contamination of the Catholic educational system with Classroom sex instruction (which has proven to be one of the most powerful forces of secularization at work in the Church and society). Is it not astonishing that those in charge of a Catholic education system withering away before their eyes remain blind to the devastating effects of Classroom sex instruction programs? Their posture of denial and cover-up is similar to that of those who absolutely refuse to see the connection between the spread of pornography and the proliferation of sex crimes, or the link between contraception and abortion.

In concluding this commentary on priestly paedophilia, let us note recent remarks by Fr. Michael Crosby (author of "The Dysfunctional Church") who regales his audiences with the notion cherished by many of the sex educators we have listed, namely, that the traditional sexual morality of the Church is responsible for making Catholics sexually and socially dysfunctional. Described as one of the most-in-demand speakers for "Priests' Retreats", Fr. Crosby announced recently with great glee:

"The Holy Spirit is purging the Church of patriarchy through the door of paedophilia".

Outrageous and blasphemous? Indeed. But that statement is typical of the unchaste decadence brought into the Church by those in revolt against the moral teachings of Jesus Christ.

In 1970 Fr. George Hagmaier, a Catholic priest who was a member of the Board of Directors of SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Coucil of the U.S.), set the tone for the future of 'Sex Education' incorporated into Catholic schools when he declared:

"We can no longer say that masturbation is objectively wrong; I just don't think we can. Yet we were raised in the tradition where this haunted many a young person of our own age. The same thing with a universal condemnation of some kind of sexual experience — heterosexual experience — before marriage, varying degrees of physical contact and perhaps even intercourse before marriage. We can no longer, at least I feel so, and I'm supported by more and more young theologians, speak in these kind of absolutes...

We have re-examined the meaning of sexuality and we have found that sexuality can also serve all kinds of other basic needs and therefore the evaluation of behavior in this area has to be different.

... Therefore, using your homosexual question, there are individuals who, as far as we know today, are not going to be able to relate heterosexually and therefore we have to devise a set of moral principles which will make them responsible in relating to one another in the areas of care, trust, love, acceptance and so on – within their own potentialities beyond which they are not able to go.

... Unless the institution, the rigid institutional church you describe, by some miraculous way, changes radically and learns to communicate with the new generation and learns to respond to their questions - their new questions - then the institution itself will be irrevocably on the road to complete disintegration and no one will know what the vestiges of this will be."
(National Catholic Reporter 2/25/70)

As of 1993 "the vestiges" are only too clear. The phenomenon of priestly paedophilia is only the latest evidence of the moral corruption allowed to fester in the Church and to tragically obscure that mark of Holiness which is its unique splendor.

The rotten fruits of the Sexual Revolution and its handmaid "Classroom Sex Education" are there for all to see. Headlines in every paper trumpet the statistics of teenage promiscuity, the number of contracepting Catholics, the epidemic of sexual diseases among both young and old, and, believe it or not, the need for more sex education.

Holy Scripture has harsh words for fools who trust in their own folly.   (See Proverbs 17:12)

Dissent from the Magisterium.... is not compatible with being a "good Catholic".
- Pope St. John Paul II -

About Dr. James Likoudis
James Likoudis is an expert in Catholic apologetics. He is the author of several books dealing with Catholic-Eastern Orthodox relations, including his most recent "The Divine Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and Modern Eastern Orthodoxy: Letters to a Greek Orthodox on the Unity of the Church." He has written many articles published by various religious papers and magazines.
He can be reached at:, or visit  Dr. James Likoudis' Homepage